Monday, May 16, 2011

What kind of "teacher" does this?

From the front page of the May 11, 2011 Keller (ISD) Citizen: "Art teacher Steve Novy" in our beloved Keller (Texas) I.S.D. "...hangs up his students' work at Keller City Hall."

Works will be on display until the end of May. Why not go on down there (1100 Bear Creek Pkwy, Keller, TX 76248) and see if you can spot the ones with the big, fat, I-don't-care-really-about-the-'art'-my-students-make-it's-all-about-the-paycheck-oh-and-being-cool (see my dreadlocks & baggy-behind pants?) footprints-by-STEVE on them??? Fun.